Home Council Planning And Development Budget 2023

Planning And Development Budget 2023


For Planning and development services had a decrease in expenses of $21,275, and a decrease in contracting services of $20,000.

CAO Burton suggested a slight increase in fees to offset a decrease in applications.

There were no questions and comments

Industrial Park expenses were entirely eliminated from $8000 last year, and drainage expenses will increase by $52,415.

Councillor Olmstead asked what contracted services included, which CAO Burton said was their drainage superintendent.

“Usually the cost for the maintenance for municipal drains are costed back to those effected back, Records don’t exist. we need to CCTV that to know what’ what.”

Overall, total operating expenses for 2023 were $9,995,623 with revenue of $3,471,375 , and the balance to be funded by levy being 6,524,248.

This comprised the budget expenses 4.99% increase.

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