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PRH Recognized for Organ and Tissue Donation


Press Release
Pembroke Regional Hospital

PEMBROKE – In Ontario, more than 1,500 people are currently waiting for a life-saving organ transplant.

This past year alone, as part of its commitment to organ and tissue donation, the Pembroke Regional Hospital helped ensure that three patients were able to give the gift of tissue donation, enhancing the lives of up to 30 others.

“Since joining the Trillium Gift of Life Network in 2013, the Pembroke Regional Hospital has supported organ and tissue donation while providing optimal end-of-life care for all patients and their families,” said PRH President and CEO Pierre Noel, adding that the hospital team reports every patient death so that TGLN’s specially trained staff can identify potential donors and approach families to get consent.

As part of BeADonor month, the Pembroke Regional Hospital has once again been recognized for its contributions and partnership in organ and tissue donation with a 100% Routine Notification Rate from April 1st to December 31st 2021 and 100% Notification Timelines from October to December of last year.

The notification rate represents the hospital’s contact with TGLN for every eligible death, ensuring that every patient who died was given the opportunity to have their end-of-life decisions honoured, while the notification timeline recognition acknowledges leading practice by ensuring notification was made within one hour of the patient’s death. The timeliness of the call ensured that the time-sensitive tissue donation could proceed.

PRH was the only hospital in eastern Ontario to be recognized for 100% Notification Timelines and reach this benchmark.

“This recognition is a credit to our team and demonstrates that the importance of organ and tissue donation in entrenched in our culture,” Mr. Noel said.

BeADonor month is dedicated to raising awareness for organ and tissue donation to help save more lives through transplants and Ontario Health (Trillium Gift of Life Network) is encouraging every Ontarian to demonstrate their support by registering their consent to be an organ and/or tissue donor.

In Ontario, more than 90% of Ontarians support organ donation, yet only 35% have registered. While some believe that age or medical conditions prevent the opportunity to donate, in actuality neither age nor health precludes someone from becoming a donor. Every potential donor is assessed at the time of death for medical suitability. When you register, you can choose which organs to donate and you are able to withdraw your registration at any time.

Donation is only considered after all lifesaving efforts are exhausted, there is no chance of recovery, and the family accepts the diagnosis of death.

To learn more about organ and tissue donation or to register as a donor, please visit www.beadonor.ca.

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