Home Council Renfrew Count Official Plan Amendment

Renfrew Count Official Plan Amendment


The Township of Whitewater Region received a report of the Renfrew County Official Plan Amendment.

Ivan Burton said that the County of Renfrew is proposing new changes to ‘try and consider local matters in the County’ to the changes approved by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing in March.

The amendment, called “Official Plan Amendment Number 31” was to be presented containing a “variety of changes” to the official plan. Burton said that the Council was free to inform the County if they wanted anything added or renewed.

He said the County was looking to present the report with summary of proposed changes in November, and seeking final approval in April and May.

He said some of the issues included the ‘deer wintering yards’, the ‘significant woodlands’, and other “heritage features that require more studies”.

Modification to the applicability (i.e. for plans of subdivisions, 4 or more Consent lots and/or greenfield sites) properties of archeological assessment for development applications within 300 m of navigable waterways.

-Reconsideration (removal) of the identified Significant Woodlands, Significant Valleylands and Deer Wintering Yards.-Requirement of an EIS for development adjacent to Fish Habitat and Significant Valleylands from 120 metres to 30 metres.

-Review the Karst Topography Assessment/ Protocol. Removal of the Phase 1-3 Process or provide a less intensive process.-Reconsideration of criteria (less than 2.5 acres, density) for the requirement of a hydrogeological assessments and nitrate impact calculation for development applications.

-Modify the wording for the redevelopment and replacement of existing septic systems on properties within 300 metres of Muskrat Lake.-Modify the wording for the development (incl. septic system) for properties within 300 metres of Muskrat Lake.

“We’re looking to reconsider the criteria around that.”

He said that they can apply to the County for changes.

Councillor Nicholson asked Burton about point 5A, and asked why they chose to delete that wording.

“Without going into it, it’s an at-capacity lake. Prior to the act, we’re allowed to develop single family homes with a septic system. The province had passed requirements that new developments require a specific type of soil, which Burton said was ‘difficult to find” in the area, and the amendment would allow for development in the “conventional sense”

A vote was called, and the motion was carried.

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