Home Community Renfrew OPP wrap up Labour Day’s distracted driving campaign

Renfrew OPP wrap up Labour Day’s distracted driving campaign

August 30 to September 2, 2019.

RENFREW COUNTY (Renfrew) — The Renfrew Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) has concluded their Labour Day weekend distracted driving campaign. The focus of the provincial traffic safety campaign was distracted driving. In addition to distracted driving, officers paid attention to, “The Big 4” which also includes aggressive driving, lack of occupant restraint and impaired driving.

Renfrew OPP officers laid numerous charges during this initiative including; 64 speeding charges, two stunt driving charges, five impaired driving charges, 11 hazardous moving violations, two drug charges and multiple other Highway Traffic Act and provincial statute charges.

Although the campaign has concluded officers are committed to enforcing traffic safety year round.

The Renfrew OPP would like to remind the public that road safety is everyone’s responsibility. Please help keep our roads safe! 

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