Renfrew County and District Health Unit recommends that families with private wells who have been affected by flooding ensure they are preparing infant formula safely.
If you do not have access to safe water, or are unsure about the safety of your water:
- Use ready-to-feed liquid formula.
If you do have access to safe water:
- Continue to sterilize all bottles and feeding equipment for babies of any age.
- Continue to sterilize all water used for formula preparation for babies of any age, including store bought bottled water.
Avoid using well water for sterilizing and formula preparation until the water levels go down and your water has been tested as safe.
It is best to use formula immediately after preparing it. Store prepared formula in the fridge for no more than 24 hours. Opened cans of liquid concentrated and ready-to-use formula can be stored in the fridge up to 48 hours.
For more information on how to prepare infant formula safely, visit this Infant Formula: What You Need to Know resource. If you need further assistance or are unable to get safe formula for your baby, contact the health unit by phone: 613-735-8651 Ext. 589 or email: [email protected].