Home Council Seniors Task Force Update

Seniors Task Force Update


The Council heard a presentation from Will Patterson and Shiela O’Brien regarding the Senior and Older Adults Task Force, from Will Patterson & Sheila O’Brien, on the Senior’s Needs Assessment that was just completed.

“As the hopes and plans for an age-friendly platform have evolved, the Task Force has had conversations and letters of support with about nearly 30 groups including senior’s groups, faith groups, and numerous individuals.” Patterson said.

He said that 21% of Whitewater Region residents were seniors, and that was expected to rise to 27%.

The Needs Assessment was funded by a $24,000 grant in November 2020.

He said engaging seniors, internet access, and transportation were critical to seniors, and a ‘Whitewater Senior’s Council’.

He also said that a $60,000 Community Grant was awarded to the group in order to create a Beachburg Office in partnership with Carefor and the Senior’s Home Assistance.

He also expressed hope that Whitewater Region Mission statement would include the phrase “age-friendly community”.

Shiela O’Brien also spoke advocating for the creation of a Whitewater Senior’s Council, including seniors and WHitewater Council Members.

“We will look for synergies between these strategies so we can build even further.” she said.

She said the key to continued growth was “continuous, continuous communication with our seniors.”

Reeve Cathy Regier thanked them for their presentation, and thanked the other members of the Council Bonnie Johnson, Bevy Cannon, Gwen Bennet, Moira Dell, and Osiah Horst, the last who joined last week, as well as Councillor Neil Nicholson, who heads the task force.

“The effort they’ve put forward into this has been incredible.” she said.

“I think they’re poised to become their own independent organization.” said Councillor Nicholson.

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