Home Council Snowmobiling on Gypsy Lane Public Meeting

Snowmobiling on Gypsy Lane Public Meeting


Heather Corrigan presented to the Council of the Township of Whitewater Region in order to allow snowmobilers to use Gypsy Lane for travel, in response to last meeting’s public meeting calling for regulation of Snowmobilers.

She thanked Mrs Gilchrist for her previous presentation last Council on snowmobiles in the Gypsy Lane area.

“In talking about Gypsy Lane, it’s one of the best roads to drag on. You have to drive cautious. Taking Gypsy Lane allows us to use the trail. I’ve spoken to many other snowmobiles who use this road allowance to go to Muskrat lake.”

“This small road can bring a lot of economical benefit to Whitewater region.”

She said that “millions of dollars” of revenue from snowmobiliers.

“We haven’t really heard of rolling rocks on the township road.”

She said that Mansell Road was not an option due to “a lot of blind spots”

She said that calls to police called the road ‘an acceptable road to drive on’.

“As long as you stay off the road as much as you can, the OPP feels that the snowmobiler is in compliance.”

She said the local treatment of snowmobiliers is “to the point of harassment.”

“This is starting tot urn out to be not be a safety issue, but an issue of ownership.” She said. She said they contacted the snow

“If you’re considering locking the road allowance, you’d be locking at least one property.”

She suggested a ‘drive slow’ sign for traffic.

“Snowmobiliers are homeowners themselves, and they want their property respected as much as other homeowners.”

“It’s been a great trail to take. The aging population is moving away, and the young people who are recreationally minded are using it.”

Councillor Mark Bell asked of the groomer would be able to work out onto Gypsy Lane onto Forester’s Falls road, which Corrigan said ‘I can’t answer the question.”

Councillor Olmstead asked if there were other speakers registered.

“We weren’t allowed to register anyone else.” Corrigan said.

“I’ve been contacted by many people, probably int he audience, about this Gypsy Lane issue,” Councillor Chris Olmstead said. “We all know forester’s falls road, it’s a pretty busy road. On Monday morning, maybe Tuesday morning, they did snow removal, I saw maybe 20, maybe 30 trucks carrying snow, and the number I saw turn down Mansell Road has been zero., This has been presented as a safety issue. This issue has been in front of us three times in my terms as Councillors. Either we act on it or we don’t act on it. I think we give 90% of people what they want, which is a safe, harassment free road, and that’s not what they have right now. I see strollers along the side of the road, and it scares the life out of me. I think Council should act on the proposal presented tonight.”

“I may need to be corrected on this, but on Snowmobiles, it’s blanket across the province, they aren’t allowed on the travel portion of the road. 4 wheelers are the opposite, they aren’t allowed to be off of the travel portion of the road unless a by-law permits it. With snowmobiles, they aren’t allowed on the travel portion unless a by-law permits it. I think that the municipality could allow snowmobiles to be allowed onto the travel portion of the road. I understand that they aren’t in the ditch portion because they can’t make a trail then. I believe, and I do stand to be corrected, that it would have to be by municipal bylaw.”

“When I asked this question last week ago, they said yes.” Councillor Connie Tabbert said. “When I asked if there was a private road, I was told yes. I don’t know why this hasn’t been resolved yet; we’ve had unopened road allowances elsewhere.”

“it’s the same thing with tractors, with everything.” Corrigan said. “I can’t say that everyone has been respectful,

She said that the road allowance was all fenced.

“I’m with Councillor Olmstead on this.” Councillor Moore said.

Mayor Nicholson asked staff to coordinate with the OPP to identify any issues with setting by-laws to regulate snowmobiling.

“If it’s something that can be executed on our level, make it happen.” he said.

The council then paused for the public in attendance for the issue to leave.

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