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Three Strikes


Memories can be enthralling or worrisome, the bad ones hanging on much longer, an essential component of daily life. It is not a stretch to say life without memories would be close to being unliveable. Over time, some memories get exaggerated but still are believed to be absolute and true. In fact, many of our memories are probably incorrect yet we hold onto them reverently. I have memories, memories of three unforgettable spells in my life. I swear they are as true as the day they happened.

Time had passed and I was now married. Maybe it’s just me but it seemed the opposite sex showed more interest in me now that I am in a relationship, and yes I remained faithful but there were a few very close calls.  

One involved a sales rep to the company I worked for. We became friends and even coached a kid’s softball team together. His company was participating in a Trade Show and I planned to meet him there after work. Along with another guy, we three were seated at a table when three hotties joined us. I sensed it was planned beforehand. Apparently, there were rooms available for us on a more private floor, whatever that implied!  Shocked at first but as I gazed into the devilish eyes of the babe across from me, my temptation was apparent. I finally realized I couldn’t go through with this enticement. So uptight I could barely speak let alone say, “Thanks, but I have somewhere else to be.” I managed to leave the table with a stiff upper lip.

Years later at another firm in Toronto, I became friends with a co-worker. As did most employees, we brought our lunch to the office. One summer we starting eating it together in the nearby park. Our boss was peculiar and had never married. He managed staff as a nervous father might do with his first-born. A well-known eavesdropper too, he noticed everything and eventually caught on to our lunches. While sitting on the park bench one day we spotted him crouched down and spying on us, mostly camouflaged by the nearby bushes. The scenario was so creepy we decided to eat in the lunchroom from then on. Luckily, it headed off further fantasizing of more than just a sandwich shared with my lunch-mate! 

Then there was the single mother in Wasaga Beach. It was common knowledge  she was looking for a playmate. As a volunteer with the church, she arranged and led meetings with the teens of the congregation. One much anticipated annual event was a sleepover for the kids in the church basement to gorge themselves with popcorn and watch movies, separated of course and chaperoned by two women. That particular evening I got a call from her asking if I could help by spending the night at the church because the other women had backed out. 

It just happened my wife was away for a family wedding in Pennsylvania (did she know that?). I was too slow in responding with a “No.” I ended in my sleeping bag up for the night on a cold dark floor, fully dressed and with one eye open in case she decided to slip over my way. It also drew me into helping more with the kids, mostly as a driver to bowling or the movies. 

One evening she had arranged a concert practice at her home for the teen group. After practice the kids departed, including her daughter for a sleepover somewhere. A bottle of wine appeared concurrently. It was my favourite, French Cross, so I thought, “What would a glass or two of wine hurt before I left for home. Not enough – she wanted me to stay for another but I knew if I did, I might be tempted not to leave as I did find her quite attractive. Her feelings were hurt however. For payback she dumped me from the teen group the next week. I believed it was in my best interest. It was timely as the church Deacon had just warned me of a few rumours cropping up.

Those memories certainly piqued my self-esteem but what if I had of stayed in the arms of one of those charming women. Like the well-known ‘three strikes’ rule in California, it would have been game over for me.

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