Home Council Township awards preparation of two studies to Watson, Associates

Township awards preparation of two studies to Watson, Associates


WHITEWATER REGION (Cobden) — In July, the Development & Planning Committee recommend Council of the Township of Whitewater Region award the preparation of the Water and Wastewater Rate Study (including water financial plan) and Development Charges Study to Watson & Associates Economists Ltd at a cost of $51 thousand, excluding HST.

Mr. Ivan Burton, Planner/EDO, stated the Township currently operates three drinking water systems, including Beachburg (large municipal residential with 481 units, ground water source), Cobden (large municipal residential with 518 units, surface water source) and Haley Town Site (small municipal residential with 33 units, ground water source). He said the Township also operates a wastewater system for the village of Cobden, with the plant currently being upgraded to introduce tertiary treatment.

According to documentation, Watson & Associates previously undertook the Township’s initial rate study. It stated the new study will include capital related costs collected by the Ontario Clean Water Agency and will meet all statutory requirements.

Staff recommended single-sourcing both projects to Watson & Associates, citing their previous work with the Township and expertise in both rate and development charge studies. Both projects include public consultation. The Development Charges Study will be reflective of recent legislative changes.

The motion was moved by Reeve Cathy Regier, seconded by Councillor Dave Mackay and carried the evening of July 17. Documentation states some cost savings will occur by jointly awarding the studies. It is stated all costs are within budget and that funding was set aside from provincial efficiency funding for both projects, with the Water and Wastewater Rate Study at $25 thousand and the Development Charges Study at $30 thousand.

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