Home Council Township Requests More Autonomy with Severances

Township Requests More Autonomy with Severances


Alexander Leach, Editor

The Council agreed to put forward a request to the County of Renfrew requesting that they provide the council of Whitewater Region the ability to approve their own severances.

According to Ivan Burton: “Currently the process as such is that they apply to the County of Renfrew, then send it to Council for approval, and send it back to the council for further consideration. The Township is just a commenting body.”

“Our Goal here is to try and move the decision making more locally.” Burton said. “The giving of consent is enacted through the planning act.”

CAO Trembley said that this may increase time for review and decrease costs.

He said: “One of the goals in the strategy is to make the process as streamlined as possible. We know that some other areas of the county are delegated this authority, so that’s why we are requesting this.”

“There’s concern because we represent one third of all consents in the County.” he said “I think there is some concerns in the County of losing the revenue. Currently we get minimal revenue from approvals by the County.”

“What would come next would be a formal request for the County.”

Questions were taken, with one from Councillor Mackay: “How much money will be save?”

Trembley replied: “It would result in revenue.”

Burton elaborated: “The county charge 1100 dollars, we charge 300 dollars, so we would examine our fees and charges to provide for a fee that is more reasonable to the local staff review. If approved it will be an additional source of review.

Councillor Chris Olmstead expressed support for the plan. “I wholeheartedly support this decisions. I think it’s been a long time coming.” he said

“Since Covid has pushed a whole lot of new boundaries, the county seems to be on fire with all sorts of development. I do like that we are looking to the future.”

Reeve Cathy Regier agreed. “I couldn’t agree more with Councillor Olmstead. Looking forward to it and where we will go with it.” she said

“I agree wholeheartedly that it’s about time.” Councillor Charlene Jackson said. “We have a planner in place who is more than capable doing this for us, it’s going to save some council time. In regards to staff time they won’t have to go back and force with the county. I thank Ivan for going forward with this.”

Councillor Maclaughlin added: “I go back many many years when one of our councillors said ‘keep it local.’ I totally agree with this like the rest of Council.”

The motion was carried.

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