Connie Tabbert
COBDEN — It’s taken eight years, but the Whitewater Region Township Amendment to the County of Renfrew Official Plan is now complete and will be sent to the county for approval.
The municipal approval took only a few minutes during yesterday’s council meeting, but work on the amendment began in January 2006.
Councillor Daryl McLaughlin requested a recorded vote on the motion to approve the amendment. Councillor Allen Dick was the only dissenting voice. Councillor Joey Trimm was absent.
Prior to the vote, Coun. Dick advised he would vote against the approval.
“I have some issues with it,” he said. “I haven’t touched on the lake issue and there are at least five issues I oppose.”
Reeve Don Rathwell noted he would vote in favour of the amendment because even once it’s approved by the county and province, council can still make requests for more changes.
“It’s not cut in stone,” he said.
Brian Whitehead, the consultant from Jp2g who has been working on this document, agreed.
While there have been a few detours along the way to get this far, Deputy-Mayor Izett McBride is glad to approve it.
“There have been a lot of issues addressed in it,” he said. “I would not like to see this go on and on.
“There has been a lot of time and energy spent on this. This is the best recommendation at this time for the municipality,” he added.
Mayor Jim Labow noted the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS), which many residents oppose, was brought in by a minority government, and it’s now a majority government, so it will not change.
Each municipal/county official plan must abide by the PPS, he stated.
“This is the best we’re going to get in the political climate we are in now,” Mayor Labow said.
Once the county adopts the amendment, which should happen next month, it will be sent to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs for approval, Mr. Whitehead said.
“There are things the province is not going to be happy about,” he said. “We have pushed the limit to represent the interests of Whitewater Region.”
He added, “This is huge news (for the municipality). This is a huge step. We’ve been through a lot of public consultation and agency reviews.”
Once approval is given by the province, there is an appeal period for the public and provincial ministries, he said.
Following the meeting, Mr. Whitehead said, “This is a comprehensive amendment that adds policies to the county plan that are special to Whitewater Region.
“The township is getting the best of both worlds. There are policies in the county plan that are good for the township,” he added. “What we’re trying to do is modify policies, or add additional policies, to help the township, particularly in waterfront areas of the township.”
He noted this is the only municipal driven amendment to the county’s official plan.
“All other amendments are site specific developments,” he said. “This is the only (amendment) initiated by a municipality. It’s a hybrid.”
Mr. Whitehead expects this document to be approved by the province next year, but only after negotiations occur. As well, he said there’s also opportunity for an Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) hearing if objections are raised by the public.
Mr. Whitehead said, “My assignment is complete.”