Family and friends gathered recently to celebrate the 100th birthday of Eleanor Howard. Born in the former Ross Township on September 21 in 1922 Eleanor was the oldest of four children born to Chester and Bella Foss. She went to a local school and then held a variety of jobs before meeting a handsome Airforce man named Harold Howard. They were married and then transferred to Rivers Manitoba Air Force Base where Harold was an Air Force Fire Fighter. Later they were posted back to Ontario and settled in Cobden where they chose to raise their family, Dolly, Dennis, Chrystal, Pauline and Kim. For years Eleanor worked as a Bell telephone operator in the Cobden switchboard. In later years she enjoyed travelling to visit her nine grandchildren and thirteen great grandchildren. Eleanor has a very competitive nature and loved to play games and in her younger years sports. Still very active in the Retirement Home she loves knitting for her family, bingo games and participating in the homes many activities.
Eleanor Howard and Jessie Stubinsky are right across the hall from each other at the Cobden Caressant Care Retirement Home. They enjoy chatting and going to activities together. They both celebrated their 100th birthdays just a month apart, in August and September.