Home Community Valley Excellence: Congratulations!

Valley Excellence: Congratulations! [Continuation of Last Week’s ‘Westmeath & District Recreation Association Volunteer Awards for 2019’]


The Whitewater Region and the surrounding areas are full of talented people, old and young. Tristan Woodfine qualified for Olympic marathon, and Jack Quinn was selected in the NFL Draft by the Buffalo Sabres.

Included here are several other important achievements by people from the Valley.

Note that Anne Bromely and Joran Drapeau were both to be featured in last week’s article by Bob Grylls “Westmeath & District Recreation Association Volunteer Awards for 2019”, along with Bonny Johnson as Volunteer of the Year for 2019, but was cut off due to a copy error. They have been included here, along with an article from September 24th on another talented individual.

Thanks to all the community members who contacted me about these people, and if you have anything else that you think should be honoured, let me know at my email.

Alexander Leach, Editor

Anne Bromley

Submitted by Bob Grylls, Contributor

The Lifetime Volunteer award goes to Anne Bromley. Anne has been dedicated in numerous capacities in the community over the years, more than can be counted.

At the Westmeath Public School, young children of this community knew Anne as a caring teacher. Her many years of work with the 4-H clubs had a positive influence on many local youths.

A dedicated teacher to all 4-Hers, Anne has shown by example how to give back to the community.

The Christmas In the Village concert is an integral part of the holiday season of Westmeath and Anne works awfully hard to bring it all together. The 4-H children use the proceeds to give a better Christmas to a local needy family.

When the need arose to donate an organ for transplant Anne was tested as a good match and went forward with the donation to give a full life back to the recipient.

Jordan Drapeau

Submitted by Bob Grylls, Contributor

The WDRA Youth Volunteer for 2019 is Jordan Drapeau.

An eighteen-year-old, Jordan was most noticeable with his volunteering both at the Rink and the Hall.

During ice-cleaning operations, he was the likely one to move the goalposts for the Zamboni to keep moving. In the Hall itself, he often took the initiative to give the older men setting up or taking down tables and chairs a helping hand. He was always on call to take out the heavy garbage bags from the kitchen area. Even if watching a hockey game, he did so immediately if asked. In a positive light, Jordan could be thought of as a ‘Rink Rat’, a common term used in the day.

As well Jordan was always available to help any of his neighbours with grass or wood-chopping, etc. when was asked. In fact, he would be better named as “Willing” than his own name.

He served as an ‘altar boy’ to the priest since he was young boy, up until Covid-19 but a damper on it.

Back in August, he was seen helping clean-up the cemetery in Lapasse.

Congratulations, Jordan.

Katie Stewart’s story can be found at: https://whitewaternews.ca/katelyn-stewart-receives-award/

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