Lara Mylly, health promoter for the Whitewater Bromley Community Health Centre, (second from right)

and two volunteer senior fitness instructors, Lawrie Barton and Connie Tabbert, (left) participated in the celebration of International Day of the Elderly on Nov. 1 at the Regional Geriatric Program of Eastern Ontario. Ms. Mylly explained that the WBCHC was invited to prepare a poster which reflected the unique, rural, peer-led volunteer model that we and other CHCs and partner agencies use in our rural setting with contributions from Barry’s Bay and Area Home Support Services, Seaway Valley CHC, Seniors Active Living Centres in Renfrew County and North Lanark CHC. It was then submitted to the Regional Geriatric Program of Eastern Ontario and chosen, along with 25 others, to participate in the Poster Presentation at the Annual General Meeting in O ttawa.
The Poster Presentation was 2 hours long with an opportunity for those attending the AGM to discuss the information on the poster with the presenters. The three women had a great time discussing the fitness programs provided by WBCHC throughout Whitewater Region, which was a focus on the poster. Ms. Barton has been an SFI for 10 years while Ms. Tabbert for three years. There are classes in Cobden, Foresters Falls, Beachburg and Westmeath. For more information on the free WBCHC senior fitness classes, called Fit, Fun and Fully Alive, please call the office, 613-582-3685.
Some of the 25 other poster presenters were Continuing Medical Education Certified Seniors Fall Prevention Module for Primary Care (University of Ottawa), Care that Iinvolves us All — Recognizing and Valuing the Contributions Made by Everyone to the Caring Relationship (School of Rehabilitation Sciences); Engaging Patients and Caregivers in the Development of a Delirium Education Resource (The Ottawa Hospital); Building a LHIN Shared Fall Prevention Approach for Emergency Departments and Ambulatory Care (Champlain Regional ED Work Group, Regional Geriatric Program); Reducing Fall Risks at The Ottawa Hospital; Working Together to Address Falls and Fall Prevention in Primary Care (Regional Geriatric Program of Eastern Ontario); Standards for Exercise and Fall Prevention Classes in Champlain (Regional Geriatric Program of Eastern Ontario).