Our hours of operation include evening access. Before you come to any of our locations, please call us and we will help you determine the best way to meet your needs. We ask you do not come without calling prior.
Before Your Primary Care Appointment
Your Doctor or Nurse Practitioner will help you decide if you need to be seen at the office
You will be screened over the phone for your risk of COVID-19
Masks are required to be worn in the Health Centre,
please bring one if you have one
Virtual or Phone Visit
Choose a quiet, private space for your appointment, with minimal distractions or background noise
Have your computer turned on ahead of time or your phone line open
Please be on time, treat this appointment the same as an appointment at the office
Follow the link provided
In-Person Visit
When you arrive:
Wash/sanitize your hands, put on a mask if you haven’t already
You will be screened for your risk of COVID-19
Practice physical distancing
We encourage you to arrive alone, unless support is needed
Arrive as close to your appointment time as possible