Home Columns Women’s Institute April 2023 Meeting

Women’s Institute April 2023 Meeting


Submitted by Elaine Hennesssy.

Greetings from the Women’s Institute for the District of North Renfrew. The following branch has reported on their meeting and activities for the month of Apr. 2023.

Greenwood: Members met for their Apr. meeting with the President Bev Smith presiding. The Institute Ode was sung and the Mary Stewart Collect recited.

Alanna Morris introduced the two guest speakers Ellen Vandersleen and Jenny Bucholtz. Ellen is Co President with Cathy Hugli of the Pembroke Horticultural Society. She graduated as an RN from Algonquin College. She and her husband Gerry grow corn, soy beans and wheat. Ellen is an avid gardener, dabbles in quilting, belongs to the Log Cabin Quilters and is involved in her church Zion Lutheran.

Jenny and Ellen are sisters-in-law. She grew up on a farm, attended St. Lawrence College Kingston, and graduated from the Secretarial Program. She loves gardening. During COVID she made a cook book and gardening know how for the PHS as a fundraiser. Four hundred copies were sold.

Both ladies are very involved with the Arboretum at the Pembroke Waterfront and they showed slides and talked about this amazing project. They credit Fred Blackstein with starting the Waterfront.

There are 3.5 acres of property where the Arboretum is situated. Students from Algonquin College planted 25 trees that were from Sunset Nursery. Brian Hugli had a machine to make a hole for each tree that was planted.

Each tree was wrapped in a bag and volunteers watered them twice a week. Terry McCann generously donated $10,000 towards the Arboretum project. Home Depot donated a gazebo and they also installed it. There is also a Book Tree at the site and the Pembroke Public Library donated all the books. Algonquin College students also made 6 wheelchair accessible tables. There is a bird habitat and a large bird feeder. So far, 102 trees and shrubs have been planted, and a waterfall has also been installed.

Both ladies advised that all of the work is done by volunteers, and they are excited that this new Arboretum will be a big drawing attraction for many years to come.

Jane Haley presented each speaker with a potted plant in appreciation for their excellent presentation.

Following The Institute Grace, refreshments were provided by convenors Jane Haley and Alanna Morris.
The minutes from the previous meeting were read by the Secretary Charlotte Cotnam-Isea.

Roll Call was “Name your favorite ice cream”. The Motto was “Spring brings new life and new beauty to all that is”. (Jessica Harrison). Bev Smith went over the items required for the upcoming Beachburg and Cobden Fair display. Members will provide all the items required.

The W.I. District Annual will be held on May 16, 2023 at 1:30 P.M. in The Christian Education Center at Cobden United Church. A few members from the branch plan to attend.

Door Prizes were won by Sheila Kenny and Cindy McConnell.

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