Home Community Women’s Institute May 2023

Women’s Institute May 2023


Elaine Hennessey, Women’s Institute Contributor

The 113th District Annual was held on Tues. May 16, 2023 in the Christian Education Centre at the United Church in Cobden.

Jane Mottershead of the hosting Queen’s Line branch welcomed members and guests to the meeting. The Institute Ode was recited, followed by the Mary Stewart Collect. Jane also presided over the meeting.

Ruth Thomas from the Renfrew South District did the Ratification of the District Directors.

The Theme was “Keeping Active So We Can Stay Active In Women’s Institute”. Roll Call was “Two suggestions to keep active as we age”. Some replies were walking, swimming, walking up and down stairs, gardening, socializing, and keeping your mind fit by doing puzzles.

Pennies for Friendship were handed in, together with branch officer list, branch names, phone numbers and addresses.

Wendy Hallock from the Beachburg/Zion Line branch conducted the In Memoriam Service for Dorothy MacGregor who had been a long time member of the Beachburg branch. Wendy commented on what a wonderful lady Mrs. MacGregor was and such a faithful W.I. member.

The minutes from the previous District Annual were discussed. The District Treasurer Iris Biggs gave her report and distributed copies to each branch. Ruth Douma advised there was no correspondence. There was also no new members for the New Members Plaque. Queen’s Line branch advised 20 members had registered for the meeting.

Nominations: The Election of Officers was conducted by Ruth Thomas and also the Installation of Officers which are as follows: Past President Juliana Coulas; President Vacant; 1st. Vice Vacant; Secretary Ruth Douma; Treasurer Iris Biggs; Financial Reviewers Jill Laverdure and Teuna Cotnam; Public Relations Elaine Hennessy; ROSE Co-ordinator Ruth Douma; Newspaper Liaison Elaine Hennessy.

Old Business: Wendy Hallock advised that if anyone had old portable sewing machines to donate, they would be welcome for the Ottawa Valley Makers. Since this group formed 475 people have participated in just 3 months. Wendy had brought several items for display which were made at these gatherings. Wendy also inquired if it would be possible to look into having a Facebook Page for the W.I. North Renfrew District. She will look into this matter.

New Business: Marion Horner advised that tickets for the District Quilt can be sold at the Cobden Farmers’ Market on June 17th, July 1st. and July 29th 2023.. Marion is hoping some members can sell tickets on those dates. The quilt is a Queen Size. Ruth Douma is holding a ROSE Workshop on June 3rd, 2023, in the Beachburg Lions Club Hall from 2-4 P.M. The guest speakers will be Jay & Linda McLaren who will speak on Gardening. Marion Horner advised that Trinity United Church Forester’s Falls is holding a BBQ on June 4th from 4:30-6:30P.M. in the parking lot of the United Church in Beachburg, and

quilt tickets will be sold at this event. There will also be a BBQ on June 10th in Beachburg in the United Church Parking Lot from 8 A.M. -1 P.M. and quilt tickets will sold at this event

Ruth Douma advised the Eastern Area Convention will be hosted by the Renfrew South District on Oct. 18, 2023. The Theme is Women Making A Difference In The World. The cost to attend is $45.00 and Schmidt’s Catering will provide the lunch.

A motion was passed to pay all bills.

Zion Line/Beachburg will host the District Annual in 2024. Betty Black from the Forester’s Falls branch thanked the Queen’s Line branch for hosting the 2023 meeting.

The meeting closed with the singing of O Canada.

Following the Institute Grace, delicious desserts, tea and coffee were proved by the Queen’s Line branch.

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