Home Community Women’s Institute May 2023 Meeting

Women’s Institute May 2023 Meeting


Elaine Hennessey, Women’s Institute Contributor

Greetings from the Women’s Institute for the District of North Renfrew. The following branch is reporting on their meeting and activities for the month of May 2023.

Greenwood: Members met for their May meeting with the President Bev Smith presiding. The Institute Ode was sung, followed by the Mary Stewart Collect.

Bev introduced the guest speaker Andrew Chenard who is the Fundraiser Co-ordinator for Carefor.

Carefor has been supporting seniors in the Ottawa Valley for over 100 years. It was started by the VON. It is a non profit organization and they put people first by giving great care and community at a price people can afford.

Andrew said Carefor Retirement Residence is the lowest priced retirement home in Renfrew County.

There are two locations. One home is where the former Civic Hospital was located and the other on Mackay St. Residents are provided with three meals per day, laundry, and medications.

This retirement home is like a family for many residents where they feel loved and well cared for every day . There are 83 residents at the Civic Complex and 79 at the MacKay St. Complex.

Carefor provides many services to people in the community. There are 5 full time drivers and other volunteer drivers to take people for medical appointments in Ottawa or other locations.

Home Care is available to sit with people who are recouperating. When people are discharged from the hospital, a plan is put in place where they can receive 10 frozen meals at home, free of charge.

They have partnered with Griffith Farms who provide the food.

Carefor also provides foot care, people to do light housekeeping for people at home, and also visitation.

Andrew advised there are 60 volunteers trained to do Palliative Care. There is an RN on duty 16 hours per day and PSW’s 24 hours per day.

Carefor holds several fundraisers during the year such as a Comedy Festival, Maple Brunch, and a 2-1/2 to 5 km walk in September.

A list of fundraising events are sent out with flyers. Bev thanked Andrew for his very informative presentation and presented him with a gift.

Following the Institute Grace, refreshments were provided by the convenors Bev Smith and Teuna Cotnam.

The Roll Call was “What is your favourite flower, activity or feeling about the month of May”? Motto was May, more than any other month of the year, wants us to feel alive. (Fennel Hudson).

The Secretary Charlotte Cotnam-Isea read the minutes from the previous meeting. Treasurer Gail Fletcher gave her report.

Jane Haley gave highlights from the District Annual held earlier that day. Bev Smith went over the Fair List to finalize it.

Charlotte Cotnam-Isea passed around a volunteer sheet to work at the W.I. Memory Garden during the summer months. A Work Bee will take place on June 3rd, starting at 9:30 A.M. for a cleanup of the garden.

Kathy Bennett will host the June meeting at her home and the Beachburg/Zion Line branch will be invited to attend this event on June 20, 2023 at 5:30 P.M. The Door Prize was won by Cathy Green.

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