Home Council Zoning By-law Amendment 458 Greenway Drive

Zoning By-law Amendment 458 Greenway Drive


The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region heard a motion to receive comments from the public at the public meeting and direct staff to bring back a planning report to the June 22, 2022 Council meeting with recommendations

“It is the part of the floodplain where there is no development permitted.” Planner Burton said.

“Back in 2011 they applied for a demolition permit for their cottage.” he said. “The staff person advised them that they would be grandfathered in, and they didn’t indicate any timeline, and the applicant believed they were grandfathered for forever and a day. However, generally, there is a twelvemonth

“They’ve give us an affidavit, and we’re essentially allowing them to reconstructing a dwelling there. It has to be floodproof. What they’re seeking to do is increase that accommodation.”

The applicant was not present.

Reeve Regier asked if the five hundred square feet was going upward or outward, meaning if the building’s height would increase or its ground area.

Burton clarified that the extra space was for a loft, and it was ‘not covering space that could flood’.

Councillor Mackay asked if a deck counted for determining the property’s area.

“if the deck was covered, we generally include it in the main area of the cottage.” Burton said.

Councillor Nicholson asked if there was any public comments.

Clerk Carmen Miller said that one of the immediate neighbours had had comment, but had since ‘talked to the owner and resolved it’

The motion was carried.

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