Home Council Zoning Bylaw Amendment May 3 2023

Zoning Bylaw Amendment May 3 2023


The Township of Whitewater Region heard a recommendation That Council of the Township of Whitewater Region approve an amendment to the zoning category of the property described as Part of Lot 23 and 24, Ross Concession 4, from “Rural (RU)” to “Rural-Holding”(Ru-h), to require the completion of a Mineral Aggregate Impact Study and Waste Disposal Site Impact Study, as well as to obtain written approval from the Ministry of Mines, before the holding (-h) is lifted and residential use is permitted.

Planner Alex Benzie said the application was submitted by Ronald Davidson as a condition of consent for a lot edition.

“The purpose of this severance is to divide the Davidson property in half for estate planning.” she said.

The the amendment was originally seen by Council in April 2022.

She said there was also an old waste disposal site that will require the environmental studies if a residential dwelling was built.

She said there were no comments from the members of the public, and the Ministry of the Environment was “in favour of the recommendation.”

The applicant was not present, nor were any members of the public.

Councillor Olmstead asked if the dump facility on the property wasn’t “licensed anymore.”

“The study is really just to look at what impacts the old site has on the resident.” Benzie said.

The motion was carried.

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