Blok heading to the Bay of Quinte Grand Prix
Nathan Blok to compete at the inaugural Bay of Quinte Grand Prix at Shannonville Motorsport Park just east of Belleville this weekend.
College students monitoring Muskrat Lake watershed
College students monitor the water quality of Muskrat Lake watershed.
Brendan Hennessy ready to design your t-shirt
Brendan Hennessy will be at the Cobden Farmers Market almost every Saturday, ready to design a t-shirt for you.
Haley Station fire truck re-located to Foresters Falls fire hall
Fire Chief says decommissioned Westmeath fire truck will be put back into service in Foresters Falls.
International farmer exchange in Renfrew County
Five international junior farmers spend time with Renfrew County Junior Farmers for two weeks.
Sewer pipe work completed on Hwy. 17
Sewer pipe work wsa budgeted at $135,000, which includes $58,000 from the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund.
Editoral: Applauding 4H
4-H is more than organization for country children. There are so many clubs young people between the ages of 9 and 21 can participate in.
Report from Parliament by MP Cheryl Gallant
Wonderful news for a local success story on a Pembroke business
An explanation regarding Letters to the Editor
Why do letters to the editor not always appear under the Letters section?
Orange Heritage Day celebrated in Foresters Falls
Canada's British Heritage and the establishment of our rights and freedoms was celebrated in the Orange Lodge Saturday afternoon