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Singing Christmas Tree — a performance not to be missed

It's wonderful when the exact opposite of what you thought was going to happen ... happens

Renfrew OPP weekly news

The Renfrew Detachment of the OPP investigated 184 calls for service during the past week, including thefts, frauds and domestic disputes.

A clean third week for RIDE campaign

A 24-year-old woman charged with impaired driving ... but not caught at RIDE event

National Housing Day brings together comunities

RCHS and CMHS host a celebration of National Housing Day

Police warn businesses to watch out for quick change scammers

Renfrew WalMart cashier short $600 due to quick change artists

Cram the Cruiser Food Drive

Help fill the cruiser in Renfrew on Saturday

Jennifer Murphy acclaimed Warden of Renfrew County

County of Renfrew Warden Jennifer Murphy is flanked by her nominator and seconder, Councillor Janice Visneskie Moore and Councillor Robert Kingsbury. Photo submitted

Kyla’s Kids Club is in its third year — sponsors thanked with a lunch

Program participants show sponsors what they can do after a few months of on-ice training.

Christmas Eve in Foresters Falls in mid-1940s

School Christmas concert of years ago remembered today

Close to 150 attend 4th annual community Christmas dinner

Food, entertainment, trivia, prizes and a chance to socialize....what more could you ask for at a community event.