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NFU-O Calls for More Funding at International Joint Commission on Great Lakes

Farmers want real support ... good programs need adequate funding

Renfrew Detachment of the OPP Blotter

More Queens Line homes damaged

Ontario Renovates Accepting New Applications for County of Renfrew Residents to Access Funding...

There is criteria to meet: property must be in Renfrew County; applicants must own the home with a market value lower than $216,000; total household income must not exceed $80,000

Outstanding event with author Roy MacGregor at Beachburg’s UC

Roy MacGregor was all smiles as he spoke during Friday's event at St. Andrew's United Church in Beachburg.

Taste-testing Canadian wines

A new appreciation for Canadian wines

Five farmers honoured for their agricultural and community work

Five members of the farming community were honoured as the next inductees to the Renfrew County Agricultural Wall of Fame. They are, from left, Margaret and Welland Crozier, Allan James, and Ian and Lynn Clelland.

CDPS students go live on stage next Thursday and Friday

What’s happening in this photo? Check out School for Nerds next Thursday and Friday in the gymnasium of Cobden District Public School. Students are doing a live performance starting at 6:30 p.m. each. Tickets are $5.

Yakabuski Seeks Commitment from Transportation Minister about Highway 17

Expansion of Hwy. 17 is not only good for Renfrew County, but all of eastern Ontario

Question not yet answered: Is a Junior B hockey team relocating to Cobden?

Prescott Flyers bought by Dale McTavish, owner of Pembroke Lumber Kings

Renfrew County farmers bring home first-place finishes in hay

Two other Renfrew County farmers bring home third-place finishes in seed