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14-year-old Eryka Lariviere plays for the Lady Sens Bantam AA

Eryka Lariviere, daughter of Megan and Justin, is a first-year member of the Lady Sens Bantam AA hockey team. Photo submitted

County road and trails managers to speak to cyclists

Meeting is at 17 West Restaurant in Cobden

WR begins development of a Recreation Master Plan

Deadline to fill out survey is Oct. 6.

OLA educates property owners on signing away their rights

Donna Burns spoke about the importance of property owners knowing what they are signing before giving their rights away.

Questions arise regarding Cobden’s wastewater plant following visit to similar plant in Port Carling

Checking out the Port Carling Effluent Treatment Plant are, from left, Lee Gillan from Port Carling, Joe Janota from Jp2g; Chris Hoos and Marcus Firman, from Port Carling, consultant Bob LeCraw and from Whitewater Region Steve Hodson and Janet Collins. P

Hoping laminar flow system will help clean-up Muskrat Lake

Everyone invited to monthly meetings held the third Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the community hall at the municipal office.

Something for everyone at the Renfrew County Plowing Match

Mother Nature co-operates with summer-like weather in September

Local Community Living agency wins two provincial awards

Patsy Wade (left), a person supported by Community Living Upper Ottawa Valley, and Chris Grayson (right) Executive Director, accept the James Montgomerie Community Award in Niagara Falls. (Submitted photo.)

New urologist at Pembroke Regional Hospital will offer expanded services

Dr. Jeremy Setterfield, left, is the new urologist at Pembroke Regiona Hospital, as Dr. Scott Murray, right, prepares for retirement. Photo submitted

Walking to help homeless veterans

Five men walk 150 kilometres -- Petawawa to Kanata -- to raise awareness and money for homeless veterans.