Home Council 2020 cost containment measures for COVID-19

2020 cost containment measures for COVID-19


WHITEWATER REGION — Due to the emergence of COVID-19 and the Province of Ontario’s response to the pandemic, the year ahead has been drastically reshaped. The Township says staff believe it is prudent to adjust some budgeted plans given the current circumstances due to the global pandemic.

Moved by Councillor Chris Olmstead and seconded by Councillor Dave Mackay, the Council of the Township of Whitewater Region approved the cost containment measures outlined in the report presented by Treasurer Sean Crozier with Robert Tremblay, Chief Administrative Officer. Staff will notify applicants to grant programs about deferrals and proceed with the debenture application for an excavator and brush head.

On December 11, 2019 Council adopted the 2020 budget by passing by-law 19-12-1244. The budget was inclusive of operating and capital expenditures for the general fund and waterworks, as well as a schedule of capital projects and engineering items.

Summer student positions will continue as planned. This is based on funding announcements from the federal government and as approved in the 2020 budget. It details two Parks, two Roads, one GIS/Engineering, one Planning, one Protective Services, and one Economic Development. Adjustments and their financial implications are summarized below.

The beach program will be canceled and the savings of two lifeguards is $15,000 and crossing guards for April, May and June saw a savings of $8,100. 

Recreation grants were originally budgeted an allotment of $20,000 and it was recommended to suspend the program until the second intake. Tourism grants were originally budgeted an allotment of $5,000 and it was recommended to suspend the program until further notice. 

Conferences were originally budgeted an allotment of $42,000. Currently $10,000 has been spent and staff recommended suspending conferences for remainder of this year. 

Streetscaping and signage were originally budgeted at $30,000 and it was recommended to spend $5,000 for the remaining sign design work. 

The Westmeath arena compressor overhaul was originally budgeted at $8,500 and has been deferred until 2021.

Streetlights were originally budgeted at $190,000. In detail, $15,000 to complete the LaPasse project is being suspended until further notice, other than routine maintenance which includes replacing fixtures with LED when necessary.

One-ton truck environmental services was originally budgeted at $85,000 and it was recommended to suspend, as no tenders were received. 

The business retention and expansion study was originally budgeted at $20,000 and it was recommended to proceed only if external funding is received and post-pandemic. 

The stormwater review was originally budgeted at $35,000 and it was recommended to proceed only if external funding is received. 

The Beachburg water treatment plant pressure tanks were originally budgeted at $92,000 and it was recommended to proceed only if external funding is received. 

The excavator and brush head were originally budgeted at $315,000 from reserves and $60,000 from taxation. It was recommended to use debt at an estimated rate of 1.70 per cent on a five year term to be financed in 2021. 

Powers Road was originally budgeted at $360,000. Originally it was not budgeted for the 2020 OCIF allocation of $242,636 and the OCIF reserve fund will have a balance of $482,920. It was recommended to prepare the road for double surface treatment in 2021. The estimated costs to prepare the road this year are $165,000 to be funded from the OCIF reserve fund for culverts, gravel and more. 

Lacroix Bay was originally budgeted with funding from MDRA and additional top-up work of $317,492 was to be funded from the gas tax reserve fund. It was recommended to use the remaining $317,920 of OCIF. 

The Westmeath arena and fire station’s dry hydrant were originally budgeted at $15,000. The septic system failure in Westmeath was post budget adoption and Council approved the expenditure to be funded from the working funds reserve. It was recommended to combine the 20,000 litre cistern and septic projects, rather than dry hydrant. Funding the estimated $100,000 will come from the gas tax reserve fund. 

Roads 2017 Tandem’s fourth instalment payment had $57,000 funded from taxation. The total tax savings are estimated to be $196,600. 

The estimated loss in revenue is $55,000. In detail, the interest and penalty on arrears is $32,000; landfill tipping fees are $5,000; ice rentals are $7,000; slab rentals are $3,000; licenses are $5,000; and the interest on the bank account is $3,000.

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