Home Council $3.3-plus million capital expenditure wish list for Whitewater Region

$3.3-plus million capital expenditure wish list for Whitewater Region



WHITEWATER REGION — Whitewater Region staff has a wish list totalling just over $3.3 million in capital expenditures.
Council reviewed the draft budget during a 90-minute special budget meeting last night.
Prior to the start of the review, Councillor Cathy Regier, chair of the corporate services committee, thanked staff for putting in the time to get this budget prepared early.
“You put a lot of work into this and you have done a great job,” she said.
Coun. Regier noted at this meeting it was just to review the capital expenditures, how they would be financed would be discussed at another budget meeting.
Treasurer Marsha Hawthorne presented the budget via a power point presentation.
In reviewing last year’s capital budget, she noted just over $2.1 million was spent. This included $108,278 for administration; $2,575 for building; $251,870 for fire, $1,548,466 for public works and $83,625 on the arenas. She reviewed what the money was spent on for each department.
The 2018 proposed budget sees $113,000 for administration; $609,000 for fire; $2.376 million for physical services and $205,099 for community services.
Breaking down the budget, Ms. Hawthorne said the largest chunk is 71.94 percent for physical services; followed by the fire department at 18.43 percent; 6.21 percent by community services and 3.42 percent for administration.
The community services budget has greatly increased because the township has taken over the care of the three arenas, Ms. Hawthorne said. She also noted the fire department’s budget increased by seven percent due to the proposed purchase of two trucks.
In the $113,000 proposed administrative budget, the expenditures include $4,000 for signage and landscaping at the municipal office; $4,000 for office furniture and $5,000 for the purchase of three laptop computers.
Under the economic development portion, there is included Phase 2 of the community improvement plan; purchasing a pamphlet display and information screen for the municipal office, which will be greatly used when the tourist booth is closed; new entrance signs and gateway refurbishments and village boundary review of the township.
Chief Administrative Officer Robert Tremblay said in order to have more growth, the boundaries of the villages need to be expanded and for that a study needs to be undertaken.
In the fire department’s proposed $609,000 capital budget, the 1990 truck in Foresters Falls and the 1970 truck in Haley Station will be replaced with a new pumper/tanker and a one-ton rescue vehicle with pump will replace the deputy-fire chief’s truck and the old Westmeath rescue truck, for a total cost of $500,000; purchasing breathing apparatus; a new software program; two cleaning and drying stations for bunker gear and a dry hydrant repair at the Westmeath boat launch.
Fifteen road work projects have been designated by the public works department for a total of $1,703,790. The roads are Simpson Street; Turcotte Road; Indian Road; McGonegal Road; Sturgeon Mountain Road; Anderson Drive/Watchorn; Hume Street East; Powers Road; Greenway Drive; Kohlsmith Road; Olmstead-Jeffrey Lake Road; Mowat Road; Hydro Bay Road; Highcrest Trail and Truelove/John/Crawford streets.
Physical services manager Janet Collins reviewed each of the projects with council.
In the capital equipment list of the physical services department, the proposed budget is $568,500, including replacing two trucks, purchasing a backhoe and a radar sign, installing LED lighting in Beachburg and getting a water system study completed in the Industrial Park.
Ms. Collins noted there could be a savings of $80,000 if a used backhoe were purchased instead of a new one for $150,000.
“We’re aware of a good unit in excellent condition,” she said. “It was used in the summer only and we believe we could get 10 years out of it.”
In the roads building portion of the physical services department, a total of $104,200 is projected, Ms. Collins said. This includes repairs to the Westmeath and Mineview garages and the purchase of a Cobden garage salt shed.
Community Services Manager Jordan Durocher spoke about his proposed budget of $205,0999, including $147,799 in general services and $17,500 for the Cobden area; $28,800 for the Beachburg area and $11,000 for the Westmeath area.
For Cobden, the work would include beach and beach house improvements and paving at Veterans Memorial Park while in Beachburg it includes new Christmas lights, compressor overhaul and roof repair and painting. In Westmeath, the work includes work at the ball diamond and accessibility improvement on stairs/ramp at the arena hall.
While financing wasn’t supposed to be included at this meeting, Ms. Hawthorne provided council with the amounts in reserves that could assist with the financing of the capital projects. She noted there is currently just over $1.718 million in reserves.
Following a few questions from council, Ms. Hawthorne encouraged council members to let her know if there are changes to be made.
“I will start working on the operating budget with these numbers in mind,” she said.
The next scheduled budget meeting is Wednesday, Nov. 15 on fees and charges.

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