Home Community $75,000 towards $500,000 commitment

$75,000 towards $500,000 commitment


At the Pembroke Regional Hospital Auxiliary’s annual “Hop Into Spring” fashion show and luncheon held Friday, April 12 at Our Lady of Lourdes Church Hall, members of the Auxiliary’s executive presented the hospital with a cheque in the amount of $75,000 before a sold-out crowd. The significant donation represented many volunteer hours and hard work by Auxiliary members who not only provide the hospital’s visitors, patients and staff with a variety of amenities, but also fundraise to enable the hospital to purchase equipment and make improvements that it otherwise couldn’t afford. The $75,000 donation will be put towards the Auxiliary’s $500,000 commitment to fund orthopaedic equipment and upgrades to PRH’s inpatient surgical unit. They now have $216,000 left to pay off. As part of the current Cutting Edge fundraising campaign, a total of $2.5 million is being fundraised for this project which will result in a new Surgical Day Care area with 12 recovery stations; four new private inpatient suites; upgrades to existing rooms; a new family lounge and other space improvements. Including the Auxiliary’s half-million dollar commitment, there is approximately $640,000 left to raise. Taking part in Friday’s presentation were, from left, Brenda Long (Sunshine Gift Shop Manager), PRH Board of Directors Vice-Chair Sheila Clarke who accepted the donation on behalf of the hospital, Auxiliary President Diana Gagne, the Auxiliary’s Assistant Treasurer Beth Guimond and the Auxiliary’s Treasurer Helene Giroux.            Photo submitted


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