Home Council Notice of Motion: New Communication Plan

Notice of Motion: New Communication Plan


Councillor Nicholson proposed a new communication plan with the Whitewater Region, and choosing what communication methods the Township uses to inform the Township of events.

“Young people aren’t on Facebook, they’re on Instagram.” he said. “Most people don’t read the paper, I’ve been guilty of that.”

He said that the main difficulty was that different age groups used different social media platforms, and that different communications methods varied for different groups.

“I get some weird calls.” Councillor Dave Mackay said. “I get people and think “where did you get this information, the moon? So I’m all for it.”

“I think it is right to get information out to the right action.” Councillor Jackson said. “It seems to be good to get a following on Facebook. You have to get the following to get it out.”

“The more we put out, the more people will follow.” Said Councillor Jackson.

“How do we hit these targets?” asked Councillor McLaughlin. “We can put out all the advertising we want, but we have to get it to the right people.”

“I give a lot of credit to Councillor Nicholson, I think it’s a great idea. But we need to find out who we’re aiming for.”

“We’ve got this experience, we’ve gone through these COVID times that refined how we communicate with it.” Councillor Nicholson said. “I can’t keep up with Facebook, I don’t see the Township stuff have the time.”

“There has to be a better way to do this and be constrained to the same system. It’s just an investigative type motion.”

The motion was carried.

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