Home Community Addictions Treatment Service at Renfrew Victoria Hospital receives RBC donation

Addictions Treatment Service at Renfrew Victoria Hospital receives RBC donation


Press Release
Renfrew Victoria Hospital

Addictions Treatment Service (ATS) is very appreciative of both the involvement and support of long-time Advisory Committee member Marci Joyce.

Marci has been an active member of the ATS Advisory Committee since 2011, helping to build and promote the programs that are offered.

“I am passionate about being open, honest, and transparent in order to keep making strides towards reducing stigma, and creating awareness – for all of those beset by addiction, and those who love them,” said Marci.

“There will be moments of fear. Worry. Anger. Sadness. Sleepless nights. Repeat. It trickles into all other facets of your life. There can be great frustration, panic, and fear when trying to find services and support in the middle of a crisis,” she explained.

“Through my work with the Advisory Committee, I can confidently refer people in need to ATS, with a sense of pride that we office these services at our very own RVH. ATS will work with the whole family unit to coordinate care plans and provide exceptional family support and guidance, every step of the way.”

At RBC where she works, staff can apply for an RBC Employee Volunteer Grant, which serves to recognize the employee’s volunteer work and is donated to the organization where they volunteer in recognition of the community service they provide.

“Since her time on our advisory committee, Marci has graciously forwarded those donations to help the ongoing work of the ATS program. We are so appreciative of her time, experience and commitment to supporting those living in Renfrew County with substance abuse and gambling struggles. These funds will help us extend staffing hours to address our growing wait list for services,” shared Kim MacLeod, ATS Director.

Marci shared a few of the lessons she has learned at ATS: “Tough love doesn’t always work. Unconditional love and connection can be a better approach. The journey will be different for everyone. I learned not to expect perfection. I learned to re-evaluate and re-prioritize my expectations – of recovery. I learned that we should celebrate even the short periods of sobriety. Addiction and recovery is not a linear process. Relapse is often part of recovery. Recovery won’t always have a quick turnaround time. The brain needs to heal, and create new pathways for a healthy life.“
Addictions Treatment Service offers confidential assistance to individuals 12 years of age or older who are personally experiencing problems with alcohol, drugs or gambling. Family and friends are also encouraged to contact ATS for support if they are concerned about somebody who is struggling with addiction issues.
ATS also offers specialized outpatient services for opioid community-based treatment programming and smoking cessation, aftercare groups (led by a physician) as well as Seeking Safety, Strengthening Families for Parents and Youth, and a virtual Parents’ Life Lines of Eastern Ontario (PLEO) support group. For more information, visit the ATS website at https://www.renfrewhosp.com/addictions.

“We are very grateful for Marci’s ongoing commitment and support of the ATS program which, in turn, provides vital support to members of our community in need of addiction’s support throughout Renfrew County,” stated Alison Green, RVH VP of Corporate Services.

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