Home Council Additional Building Inspection Support

Additional Building Inspection Support


The Council of the Township approved a contract Building Inspector/Plans Examiner position for a 24-month contract at 1000 hours per year to meet increased demand in building services.

“With the influx of developments we’ve had in the last few year, there’s been an increase in the number of building permits.” Planner Ivan Burton said. “We’re finding that there’s a need for support within our building services.”

He said the proposal would require the hiring of a contract specialist for 1000 hours between April and September.

Doug Shultz said: “Even the office staff Debbie is saying ‘is it ever gonna stop?” I don’t think it’s going to stop. We’re getting a lot more questions. We’re very, very busy, you barely get your inspections done and then you have to enter them in the computer.”

“It’s clear in my mind that we need to invest in your office.” Councillor Nicholson said. “Are we going to attract someone?”

“Hopefully, there are some people out there, people who are retiring elsewhere or are working part-time that we can attract for a two-year term.”

Doug Shultz said they would be able to conduct inspections.

Reeve Regier asked if it was in addition to Casual Building Inspector Levi Junop.

Schultz said there were currently three people doing all inspections, and this position would help reduce the workload.

Councillor McLaughlin asked if they had to provide transportation, which Shultz said that they would only pay the mileage for the contract position.

The motion was carried.

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