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African Safari is very adventurous and informative for the Cotnams


North Renfrew District W.I. News

Submitted by Elaine Hennessy

Greetings from the Women’s Institute for the District of North Renfrew. The winner of the District quilt was Marion McWade of Cobden. 

Greenwood: President Charlotte Cotnam-Isea welcomed everyone to the January meeting, followed by the Institute Ode and Mary Stewart Collect.  The minutes of the last meeting were approved as read.  Treasurer Gail Fletcher gave her report.  Roll Call was “Describe an adventure that you have taken in your life (big or small).  This could be an experience or a challenge or something that you felt was an accomplishment that you didn’t think you could master”.  Motto “One way to make the most of our life is to look upon it as an “ADVENTURE” (William Feather).  Pennies “Clothes made in Canada?  25 cents if you are not wearing anything made in Canada. 10 cents if you are”.

Charlotte Cotnam-Isea advised that the needy family appreciated all the clothes and toys which the branch donated for Christmas. A Thank You card was received from PRH for the donation the branch gave in memory of Gary Biggs.  A motion was passed that the branch reimburse Kathy Bennett for the rental of the Francophone Building where our Christmas meeting and dinner was held.  Kathy Bennett advised about the upcoming activities being held in Laurentian Valley Township.  A Family Day would include skating, sliding, etc.  Kathy also plans to take part in The Coldest Night of the Year Walk with proceeds going to The Grind.  Sharron Jansen advised she might take part too.

Branch member Sharon Cotnam  spoke about the African Safari trip that she and her husband Bob took last October when they visited South Africa.  Her daughter Charlotte also showed slides while Sharon spoke.

She said it was a 20-hour flight to get there with some delays along the way due to poor weather in Ottawa and they had to be re-routed.

When they arrived in Capetown, someone welcomed them at the airport where they were taken to a Guest House that was very lovely. They saw numerous whales from shore. They visited Hermanus and saw The Heads and Knysna, and Cape of Good Hope. There was a Lighthouse at the top with a rock formation. They also saw a Penguin Colony, and people had built little houses for the Penquins where they could enter to sleep.  They also saw Botanical Gardens, and Robben Island where Nelson Manella was imprisoned for many years. Some ex-prisoners give talks about how very badly they were treated while in prison.

They also visited Franschloek where they got on a little train that took them to several wineries for wine tasting.  They stayed at a Guest House in Auberge Clairmont.

During the Safari they would leave at 5 A.M. due to the very hot temperatures, then would come back to their Lodge and go  out again at 4:30 P.M.

They visited a shelter for elephants, many that had been injured and many only have one tusk. Sharon said poachers cut off the tusks and sell them to China. They saw many animals such as elephants, zebras, giraffes, lions, baboons, wild boars, and rhinos.  African Penquins are the only type of Penquins in Africa.

They also visited a colony for Lepers on Robben Island where many people had died.

Sharon and Bob enjoyed their trip and found the African people very friendly.

The first Door Prize was won by Kathy Bennett and the 2nd Door Prize won by Sheila Kenny.  Following the Institute Grace, refreshments were provided by convenors Iris Biggs and Sharon Cotnam.

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