Home Council All Candidates Meeting features 2 running for mayor, 10 for Councillor

All Candidates Meeting features 2 running for mayor, 10 for Councillor


The All Candidates Meeting at the Westmeath Arena Hall on October 12th at 7pm had two mayoral candidates and ten Councillor candidates answer questions from the public.

Current Councillor Neil Nicholson is running for Mayor, as well as local Donna Burns.

“Even thought we’ve seen an explosion of growth in business, we’re just reacting.” Nicholson said.

Currently a Councillor, he said that he was choosing to run for mayor because “there was more that I could give”.

He cited his experience with the military and with organizing the Seniors Task Force and working to improve life quality for Whitewater Seniors as assets for mayor

Donna Burns said that she was running to ensure the Councillors “remember the Planning Act” and felt that the Councillors needed guidance to make decisions “for their shareholders” the people of whitewater.

“Right now they’re just listening to the planners, they don’t know the Municipal Act.” she said. “We’ve all been trained to follow another path than our history.”

Jim Butterworth, running for Councillor, was not in attendance.

Chris Olmstead, running for Councillor.

“I swore that Westmeath and Beachburg would close over my dead body” – about the arenas situated in Beachburg and Westmeath

-prioritizes Physical and Mental health

Daryl McLaughlin

“I bring 20 years of experience.” he said. “I feel that my strengths are honesty and a keen eye for fiscal matters.”

Dave Mackay, running for Councillor

Dave Mackay said he planned to replaced aging infrastructure and restore the rinks in the Whitewater region, as well as investigate the road condition and maintenance.

“I wanna see more paved roads.” he said, noting in spite of the cost he felt they worked better.

Connie Tabbert, running for Councillor.

Connie Tabbert is the former editor of the Whitewater news and a retired reporter for the Cobden Sun and Eganville Leader, and said that this experience taught her to listen to the populace.

“Many of us have complained about what council does or doesn’t do.” she said.

She said she also wanted to examine recreation as a whole, “not just hockey.”

Joe Kowalski, running for Councillor

Joe Kowalski is the owner Wilderness Tours and other businesses, including the Whitewater News, and says he wants to bring more autonomy and representation of its people to the region.

“It’s refreshing to see that freedom and democracy are alive and well in Whitewater.” he said. “The best government is the one that’s most closest to the people. I don’t think Whitewater has that right now.”

He said he is a proponent of Whitewater region creating it’s own Official Plan, rather than use that of the County of Renfrew.

Joey Trimm ,running for Councillor

Joey Trimm told an anecdote about how he was told that Whitewater Region “is the go-to-region people want to live in”, and in that wanted to examine and uphold its strengths.

“The boat launch in Westmeath, you can’t launch boats from.” he said. “I’m here to help solve those problems.’

Mike Moore, running for Councillor.

Mike Moore, the current Mayor of Whitewater, said his decision to run for Councillor came from his experiences and conflicts with the Councillors during his time as mayor.

“I became aware that my opinion did not mach the councillors, and did not matter.” he said. “I did not have the power to sway anything.”

He said one of his foci was “aging in place” population of seniors and younger who were approaching elderly status.

“Whitewater is called whitewater capital, but our boat launches need repair and dredging, and our Ottawa River has no public access.” he said, noting the only access was owned by Joe Kowalski, who provides free access to any kayakers or small boaters, and is not publicly owned.

He also mentioned pushing for broadband and wireless infrastructure.

Mark Bell, running for Councillor

“Politics at the local level is the greatest chance to influence policy.” Mark, a self-proclaimed “5th Generation Bell” said.

He said his focus was to “make it as easy as possible for businesses to succeed. “We need to promote effectiveness and create efficiencies.”

Ron Laronde, running for Councillor

Cobden-based Ron Laronde, who cited 20 years of business running Cobden businesses and organizing community events, said he planned to help preserve local hockey in Whitewater.

More on the Candidates will come in the next week, leading up to election.

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