Home Council An act of cowardice in Peshawar

An act of cowardice in Peshawar


COBDEN — A father stood before Whitewater Region Township council Wednesday evening and spoke about the tragic event that occurred Monday in Peshawar, Pakistan.
He spoke about the atrociousness of the tragedy of 145 people being slaughtered in Peshawar, 126 being children. It was reported Taliban went throughout the school mercilessly shooting students and staff, setting some teachers on fire in front of children.
“This is an act of cowardice,” Mayor Hal Johnson stated in a somber voice. “It’s unacceptable in our society and I think we should all take a moment just to think of the feelings of the people who are families of those who were murdered and to join in their grief in our thinking and the support in our thinking of these people.”
What happened was done in anger, he said.
“We in Canada need to understand that it is not everybody that feels this way and we need to have tolerance within our looking forward to the people within our country from the same part of the world,” he said.
It’s important not to judge everybody by those few people who did the horrible tragedy, he added.
Explaining how atrocious the act is, Mayor Johnson said, “This is something that happened in the Second World War with the Jewish people, the cleansing.
“We as a world should have learned that this is no longer tolerable,” he said. “At this point, it should not be tolerable.”
Mayor Johnson said people need to be acceptable of all races of people and all religions.
“We have to not hate, we have to be tolerant,” Mayor Johnson stated.

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