Home Classifieds Ads Auction Sale, Gutz/Griffith

Auction Sale, Gutz/Griffith


Auction Sales
Saturday July 9th at 10:00 am for
Myrtle Gutz, 736 Cold Creek Rd, Eganville, Ont

Off Hwy 41 onto Letts Cemetery Rd, follow to Cold Creek Rd, or off Hwy 60 at Kelly’s Corners onto Bulger Rd to Cold Creek Rd, signs posted.

Kenmore stove; Maytag dryer; small kitchen appliances; pressback chairs; chesterfield & chair set with oak trim; oak coffee table & end tables; bedroom set with headboard; assort. of blankets, quilts, and linens; antique trunk; antiques; household furniture; and misc items.
Sunday July 10th at 11:00 am for
Gloria Griffith, 579 Bell St, Pembroke, Ont

In the City of Pembroke, off Pembroke St East, onto Angus Campbell Dr, to Bell St, signs posted.

Diningroom set with 6 chairs; corner cabinet; chesterfield & chair; 5 piece queen bedroom set; everyday household items; kitchen items; linens; misc tools, and misc garden items. Inside/outside auction sale.

Check prestoncull.com for complete listing and pictures.
Auctioneer: Preston Cull, R.R.#1 Douglas

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