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Bob’s Meanderings: Abducted by Aliens


Watching a Netflix movie the other night involving Aliens jolted my thoughts to recall that midsummer evening in the year 2000 when a 24-hour day was wiped from my memory.

The last moment I recalled before losing that full day, I was on a trip from Wasaga Beach to visit my parents in Westmeath. It was shortly after dark and I had driven about half-way through that deserted shadowy highway in Algonquin Park. There was no warning or sign that my life would be unexplainably altered until …….

My next memory, 24 hours later about 9 pm, was walking into my parent’s home and hugged my Mom. She said, “Oh, I thought you’d be here yesterday for your birthday.” I said, “I am here on my birthday,” and left it like that. Before bedtime, I checked out CBC news and noticed the screen ‘mistakenly’ displayed that it was July 17, the day after my birthday. I checked other channels that showed the same date as CBC. I was flabbergasted that a day could be stolen from my life and I had no explanation. I panicked, yet I didn’t wish to panic anyone else, so I tried to put it out of my mind.

I never told anyone but struggled for a reason for this loss of time, eventually to dismiss it altogether. But loose ends still clung to me – never letting me fully forget. The cause is still a mystery. One possibility was my hippocampus, which processes memories into storing long-term ones, declined to do so, making me lose track of that day. And if so, one can’t make new memories during the episode. However, people still know how to drive and how to talk. Or maybe it was amnesia?

Anyway, I thought of the movie again and then it struck me. Could I have been abducted by aliens on that dismal Algonquin Park road? After all, it was only months after the great Y2K scare. I do mostly believe in the American capture of aliens in Roswell, 1947. And in 1969 a slowly moving spaceship over Petawawa was watched by local OPP officers and many others. The more I thought about it, the more the possibility of being abducted and taken to an alien spaceship seemed plausible. If there was concrete evidence, I could become famous like many others taken.

Upon doing meditation, I was able to picture my car engine stopping suddenly in the Park and being encircled by a strong beam of light. There was no sound except for a strange humming that I didn’t recognize. Next, I was lifted in a state of helplessness unable to call out for someone, anyone. I was sat down in a chair in an otherwise room on the spaceship. I remember being subjected to physical and psychological experimentation combined with a strong attempt at controlling my mind. There was plenty of examination of my body, especially my ears and mouth, but I don’t believe one of a sexual nature. Communicating with the aliens was primarily telepathic, however there were a few questions raised in English to my surprise.

I did sense that the whole process of my abduction was a well-orchestrated one. All the procedures appeared predetermined. There’s no standing around and deciding what to do next. These non-human species were task-oriented and permitted no indication whatsoever of their personal lives otherwise. I may been given a tour of the ship itself, but I don’t recall that.

When I was returned to earth, it was a far different location from where I was taken – it was to Westmeath. My Dad did inquire about my appearance the next morning? ”You looked so disheveled and had scratches on my arms.” I knew that abductees usually forget the majority of their experience likely as a result of fear. I guess that’s why it took 21 years for me to recall such a bizarre event.

Speculating on this momentous happening 21 years ago, it is like a fashion show where the gorgeous clothes the models wear are not sold in any stores. If I ever revealed that moment of being abducted by aliens, people would either consider it a conspiracy or that I was nuts. I’ll take this secret to my grave.

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