Home Council Breakfast, discussion with the Mayor

Breakfast, discussion with the Mayor


WHITEWATER REGION (Cobden) — Local business owners are invited to have breakfast with Mayor Moore next month. At the meeting of the Council of the Township of Whitewater Region last night, the Development and Planning Committee received a report for information purposes. The Upper Ottawa Valley Chamber of Commerce’s (UOVCC) Mayor’s business breakfast will be hosted in Whitewater Region on Tuesday, March 24.

“The event will run from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.,” stated Ivan Burton, Planner and Economic Development Officer for the Township of Whitewater Region. He explained this will provide an opportunity for local businesses who are a part of the UOVCC, or not, to come together for a quick breakfast and discussion. 

Short presentations will be provided by the Township, from two or three local businesses and the UOVCC. They will focus on upcoming initiatives and projects. The Township is anticipating 40 to 60 people in attendance. So far, confirmed to attend are Glasshouse Botanics, Mayor Moore, Councillor and Development and Planning Chair Charlene Jackson, the UOVCC and other Township staff. 

Staff have also reached out to Chris Thompson, co-founder and brewmaster of Whitewater Brewing Company (WBC). According to Mr. Burton, Mr. Thompson has confirmed the Lakeside location on Highway 17 will host and cater the event. He has set the cost for attendees at $12 per person. 

According to Mr. Burton, the event aligns with the Township’s 2020 to 2030 strategic plan by connecting with entrepreneurs, businesses and investors. He also said this event will provide an opportunity for the Township to update local business owners on the recently adopted strategic plan, the available funding programs through the community improvement plan, as well as the allow an opportunity for local businesses to familiarize themselves with members of Council and Township staff.

Councillor Neil Nicholson said he attended this event in Petawawa and is fully supportive of it coming to Whitewater Region. He suggested reaching out to home-based businesses in Whitewater Region to attend. Moved by Councillor Daryl McLaughlin and seconded by Councillor Dave MacKay, the motion was carried. The Township will now connect with the UOVCC and WBC, reach out to local businesses and coordinate advertising materials. 

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