Home Council Briefs from Whitewater Region committee meetings held Wednesday, Nov. 2.

Briefs from Whitewater Region committee meetings held Wednesday, Nov. 2.


The gravelled area where the accessible ramp is located at the Beachburg Arena will be paved. Funds from the Ottawa River Power Corporation account will be used.
“The paving has to be done to comply with accessibility,” said Acting/Deputy-Chief Administrative Officer Marsha Hawthorne.
The committee gave permission for the paving to be done as soon as possible, and the resolution will be ratified at the Nov. 16 council meeting.

The public works crew will brush the rest of Industrial Park Road and create a cul-de-sac so anyone interested in purchasing more lots in the township’s Industrial Park can see the property much better.
Chief Building Official Doug Schultz said by brushing to the end of the road, six more lots will be available for sale.
“I’d like to get it cleared and then people can drive down and look at the properties,” he said.
Mayor Hal Johnson said, “I think that’s a great idea. It will be easier to see and maybe we can get more income.”

Reeve Terry Millar and councillors Charlene Jackson and Daryl McLaughlin have been appointed to an ad hoc development committee by Mayor Johnson.
Businessman Joe Kowalski has approached Mayor Johnson, as well as other council members, to create a smaller development committee, because the current one is all of council, which makes it almost too big.
Coun. McLaughlin said it makes sense, because issues can be dealt with quicker before the developer or business person brings their idea to the committee.
While various ideas were tossed around about how the committee should be established, such as including entrepreneurs or residents from throughout the municipality, it was agreed just three members of council would sit on the ad hoc committee.
Then, as questions, concerns and issues arose, the developer / business person would know which council member to talk with.
Coun. Jackson said if developers / business people were included in the ad hoc committee, there might be questions as to whose best interests they were working for … the township or themselves.
If the ad hoc committee requires help regarding the business that is being developed, then people in those fields could be invited to a meeting to answer questions and concerns, she explained.
“Each development will be separate from all others,” she said.
It was agreed to try six months with three council members on an ad hoc committee, which the mayor appointed at the end of the discussion.

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