Home Community Briefs from Whitewater Region council meeting

Briefs from Whitewater Region council meeting


Briefs from the Jan. 16 Whitewater Region council meeting

2019-2022 library board

Council approved the 2019-2022 Whitewater Region Library Board. Four members are returning, Gwen Bennett, Conrad Boyce, Amber Finan and Isabel Tanguay, along with Councillor Charlene Jackson, who was re-appointed as council’s representative. New members appointed are Jim Butterworth, Megan Chase and Conor Leggott.

Chief Administrative Officer Robert Tremblay noted a board of eight is good, since they are kept busy throughout the year. He also noted, “There’s a good mix of geography and backgrounds.”

Parking bylaw to be overhauled

The township’s parking bylaw will be overhauled, led by public works manager Janet Collins. She provided a report to council. She noted staff began working on a parking bylaw in April 2013. Then over the years, revisions were done, recommendations were made, handicapped parking spots were requested, the bylaw was repealed.

She noted signs have been erected that are not enforceable and erected that won’t make sense if another sign is removed.

“There are many concerns related to the existing signs,” Ms. Collins said.

She noted there are some regulations that if a ticket were issued, the person could fight it because it’s not enforceable. Ms. Collins said direction from council is required as to what it wants staff to do.

CAO Tremblay agreed, questioning, “How much time do you want staff to spend on this?”

After discussion, it was agreed staff would put together a new bylaw. Ms. Collins said it’s much easier to have something in writing and then items can be removed.

Councillor Daryl McLaughlin agreed, saying, “There’s no use having signs if you are not going to enforce them.”

He noted there’s “quite a challenge” at Cobden public school because people seem to park wherever they want.

Councillor Dave Mackay agreed, noting in Beachburg, people are parking in front of people’s driveways across from Beachburg Public School.

Prayer discussion

Coun. McLaughlin requested that there be a discussion on prayer at the next council meeting.

Cannabis can be sold  in  Whitewater Region

Council agreed to approve the opt-in option with regard to recreational cannabis retail sales; directed the CAO to develop a municipal cannabis retail policy statement and request the County of Renfrew to allocate it shares of the Opt-In funding to participating lower-tier municipalities for anticipated costs associated with policing.

This was discussed at the Jan. 2 committee meeting, and council agreed to allow the public a two-week period of providing input.

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