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Cemetery Vandalism is Increasing

Last weekend, a longtime friend from Kingston called me. Among other news he gave me the lowdown on the cemetery vandalism in Eastern Ontario....

What does the First Home Savings Account mean for new buyers?

In the 2022 Federal Budget, Deputy Prime Minister of Finance, Chrystia Freeland announced a new tax-free plan to help more Canadians buy their first...

Blueberry Picking Sublime

Every once in a while outcomes will happen unintended to make you realize how grateful you are to be living in a great community....

Prepare for a Long Retirement

We all want to live long lives. We all expect to live long lives. But are we financially prepared for this longevity? Before we get...

Good or Back Luck?

No one is lucky all of the time, but there’s no doubt that some people or families of people tend to be luckier than...

Bob’s Lost and Found

Sometimes when being preoccupied or simply by unexpected circumstances, everyone eventually loses something belonging to them. If the missing item is of value –...

Instant Replay: Unretirement & the New Retirement

In February 2022, the greatest quarterback of all time announced his retirement from professional sports at the age of 44. After more than 20...

The Big Show of May 2014

A comedy show for the community was being planned by the seniors of Whitewater Region. The directors/writers were Milly and Molly.Applicants for actors, singers,...

Alex Got Lost: My First Fair in a Long Time

Alexander Leach, Editor I went to the Beachburg fair for the first time this week. I talked last week about how I haven’t been to a...

Bob’s Meanderings on His Hair

I have been told hundreds of times to stop fiddling with my hair, either combing or trimming it or just plain worried about how...