9.7 C

Happy Birthday

www.whitewaternews.ca is off and running into Year Two, but we still need your help

MP Cheryl Gallant’s Report from Parliament

Climate change and global warming are not interchangeable

School boards funds provide long-term stability for Shaw Woods Outdoor Education Centre

Students educated about the outdoors during the four seasons at the outdoor education created at Shaw Woods

Active Transportation Summit brings together municipal people, health advocates and activists

People from throughout the area attend summit to discuss ways of becoming more active

Federal New Horizons Programs for Seniors now accepting applications

Submission deadline for grant is July 10. Emphasis is on projects that will help to reduce social isolation among seniors by using collaborative approaches that place an emphasis on measurable results.

Gifts in Memory go a long way for health care

In Memoriam gifts go a long way to improving the overall access to comprehensive healthcare for the more than 100,000 people Pembroke's hospital serves

Heliconia, a Beachburg company, receives $100,000 over four years for job creation

It's expected that four more employees could be hired.

Blok secures his 2nd victory in F2000 Championship

A familiar sight -- Nathan Blok, right, raising a trophy. Photo by S. Blok

Year One for whitewaternews.ca comes to a close

Budget story in next week's edition

Horsing around on Horse Day

Everyone invited to Spruce Ridge Equicentre on June 6.