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Winter Carnival in Beachburg on Saturday

Pancake breakfast, hockey games, children's games and a magician is just some of the fun scheduled for Saturday.

La Passe singer performs at Carnegie Hall in New York City

Choirs from around the world perform as one Photo: These three roommates are ready for the concert at Carnegie Hall, from left, Joan Boucher, Marie Zettler and Virginia Rich. Photo submitted

Cattlemen’s hear about road safety as it relates to farm equipment

Const. Janice Sawbridge of the Renfrew detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police was the guest speaker at the annual general meeting of the Renfrew County Cattlemen's Association.

Cobden Midgets make it to the B final in home tourney in Beachburg

Cobden goalie Liam Buxcey was kept busy during Game 1 Saturday morning in Beachburg. Games this weekend in Cobden and Westmeath

Changed landscape on Government Road

Approximately 30 acres of trees and bush clear-cut to allow for more farm land

Potluck deliciousness

Renfrew County National Farmers Union hosts event

Death Cafe in Cobden

Julie Keon is hosting a Death Cafe on Saturday, January 24 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Whitewater Bromley Community Health Centre in Cobden.

Free book promotes the paralympics

Whitewater Region Township Mayor Hal Johnson accepts a book from Gwen Nicholson, who was getting help from her brother Tate handing them out at the New Year’s Levee recently hosted by the local MP and MPP.