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Tree Lighting in Westmeath December 11

Westmeath’s Tree Lighting Ceremony on December 11th, at 7:30 outside the Westmeath Arena, where residents sung carols around the tree, then retired inside for...

Putting local foods on the menu for holiday celebrations in the Ottawa Valley

By Lynn Jones, The Ottawa River Institute December is not normally a time when one thinks about celebrating Earth’s bounty with a feast of local...

Women’s Institute Meeting

Submitted by Elaine Hennessey The District Directors for the North Renfrew District met recently for their meeting. Ruth Douma acted as President/Secretary. Minutes from the...

Beachburg Water Plant Tender RFP

The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region approved the award of RFP 2022-15, engineering services for the Beachburg Water Treatment Plant Renewal and...

County of Renfrew Hires Former Daily Observer Reporter as New Media Coordinator

Press ReleaseCounty of Renfrew Pembroke: The County of Renfrew is pleased to announce the recent hiring of Tina Peplinskie in the role of Media Relations...

Beachburg Arena Ice Service Postponed until Fall 2023

The Council heard a recommendation: That Council of the Township of Whitewater Region: Postpone the opening of the Beachburg Arena for artificial or naturalice until fall...

New Streetlighting: Is it Safe?

As night darkness falls over Westmeath, I am out for my daily walk and I can’t help but notice a new, brighter and whiter...

Beachburg Community Hall Deer Contest 2022 Results

Beachburg Community Hall Deer Contest 2022A very successful event again this year 149 registrations and 28 deer weighed in. Winners: Buck  1 Sheldon Dougherty - 227.82...