Home Community Women’s Institute Meeting

Women’s Institute Meeting


Submitted by Elaine Hennessey

The District Directors for the North Renfrew District met recently for their meeting. Ruth Douma acted as President/Secretary. Minutes from the previous meeting were discussed. The Whitewater News printed a piece on the Victory Garden in Westmeath that the District helped sponsor with a donation of money for the school to purchase soil. Another write up was done with the Fall progress of the Victory Garden. A picture with the branch and District members represented, was also taken at the school with a plaque listing all group and individuals who helped make the project a success.

Fair List; Zion Line/Beachburg will do the Fair list for 2023.

Reports: Iris Biggs the District Treasurer gave her report. She is looking for ways to increase revenue. Elaine Hennessy has been sending in articles of branch meetings and the District to the Whitewater News. The Eastern Area Convention was held in Vankleek Hill on Oct. 24th, 2022. Christine Reaburn and Ruth Douma attended this event for North Renfrew. Zion Line/Beachburg branch was planning to attend the soup luncheon on Nov. 25th in the United Church Beachburg, and they were going to put in a craft, bake and white elephant table.

Other Business: There are concerns regarding membership fees. Ruth will call the Area President and express these concerns.

The next meeting will be on March 28, 2023 in the Greenwood United Church at 1:00 P.M.

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