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Youth Wellness Hub Opens in Pembroke

Press ReleaseRenfrew County Youth Wellness Hub The Renfrew County Youth Wellness Hub (YWHO) held its official opening on October 21, and the newest facility for...

Ron Laronde for Councillor: Communication with Council

I spoke to Ron Laronde of Cobden, who is running for Councillor, and asked him a few questions regarding the election. I asked him what...

Women’s Institute Westmeath Victory Garden

North Renfrew District Women's Institute (WI) was honored to be part of a Victory garden which has been planted and harvested at Our Lady...

Women’s Institute Meeting September 2022

Greetings from the Women’s Institute for the District of North Renfrew. The following branch has reported on their meeting for the month of September...
Whitewater Region Logo

Voyageur Bay

Editor’s Note: Joe Kowalski owns and distributes this publication. The Council heard a recommendation that Council of the Township of Whitewater Region has given consideration...

Thanksgiving is about Gratitude, not Turkey

I was perplexed by Reader’s Digest 66 reasons to be thankful this Thanksgiving. Many of their reasons seem to be way off my way...
Whitewater Region Logo

Beachburg Cameron/Vera/Earl Construction Update

The Council heard a recommendation Council of the Township of Whitewater Region receive this report for information purposes as it relates to an update...

Alex Got Lost on the Terry Fox Walk

Apparently, I am terrible at following directions. During the Terry Fox Walk, the path wound through the Logos Land Park – a collection of trailers...
a black and white photo of a white man with curly hair, a tshirt and shorts running along a paved road. His right leg is a prosletic.

Terry Fox Walk Thank You

The 2022 Terry Fox total was $6,565.00, including on line pledges, shirts. Thank you to all the volunteers, and all the participants, and Alex who...