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Cobden woman doesn’t want council to loan BEI any money

Money could be used elsewhere, such as for the upgrades to the sewage plant in Cobden

Council not happy with the proposed water budgets

A 62 percent increase is just not acceptable for Haley townsite water rates

Parking in municipal garages will continue but no working on personal vehicles

Public works manager to create a policy and bring to council for review and approval

Change in curbside collection could be coming to Whitewater Region

Reeve Terry Millar and councillors Daryl McLaughlin and Dave Mackay vote against changing from user-pay to everyone pays

Sewer rates to increase by 12.8 percent in Cobden

Minimum three month shut-off for those requesting a shut off

Too many questions and not enough answers

Committee could be struck if answers are not forthcoming regarding the Official Plan and Amendment #11

911 Ontario not easily accessible along the Ottawa River via cell phone

Residents write letters of concern that calling 911 Ontario is useless if you live along the Ottawa River in Whitewater Region

Children at Play signs not going to be erected on Sturgeon Mountain Road

Children live on every road that has an 80 kilometer an hour zone...it doesn't make sense to erect signs

More information needed regarding municipal swim program at Nangor Resort

Staff to prepare a report regarding municipal swim program

Personal use of township garage must stop

Committee wants to allow employees to park in the garages, but agree not to