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Mayor Calls Emergency over Flooding Risk

The Regular Council meeting for the Township of Whitewater Region on May 3 began at 1:07pm in the Municipal Building in Cobden, Ontario. Mayor Nicholson...

Official Plan Amendment Prompts Public Criticism

Planner Alex Benzie presented on the amendment to adjust the settlement area of the Village of Cobden for the purposes of future growth. She said...

Resident criticizes Cameron Street Construction

“One thing that we can all agree on is that the Cameron Street rehabilitation project did not go according to plan.” Ralph Lance said. The...

Cameron Street Report

The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region received a report for information purposes as it relates to an update on the rehabilitation of...

Regular Council Meeting February 15 2023

The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region held a Regular Council Meeting on February 15 at 4:45pm at the Township Municipal Hall in...

Council Approves Zoning Bylaw Amendment for Highway 17 Kennel

The Council of the Township of whitewater Region approved a zoning by-law amendment pending an environmental impact assessment at 16356 of Highway 17 to...

Special Council Meeting February 9 2023

The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region held a Special Council Meeting on February 8, at 4:45pm at the Township Municipal Hall in...

Water/Wastewater/Capital Budget Draft 2023 – Increase in Water Rates

Deputy CAO Sean Crozier reported on the draft budget for water, wastewater, and capital investments for the Township of Whitewater Region. He said that they...
Whitewater Region Logo

Regular Council Meeting February 1 2023

The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region held its Regular Council Meeting on February 1, at 4:45pm at the Township Municipal Hall...

Zoning Bylaw Amendment: Kennel at Highway 17

The Council heard a public meeting on a Zoning By-law Amendment for the property at 16356 Highway 17, which was looking for an amendment...