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Vaccine Passport Mandate Repealed In Whitewater March 1st

The council motioned to repeal the protections put down for vaccine requirements due to the Province’s plans in March 1 to lift vaccine requirements. “Jordan...

Wellhead Protection Area

The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region approve the award of RFP 2021-29 Wellhead Protection Area to GeoCentric Environmental Inc. at a cost...

Council Debates Vaccination Policy for Employees

The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region heard an motion to: Approve a Vaccination Policy for Employees, with a staged approach, inclusive of testing,...

Public Access to Defibrillators To Expand In Whitewater

The Township of Whitewater Region heard a presentation from Robert Blackwell on the status of a plan to make defibrillators available publicly in the...
Renfrew County health unit

Renfrew County and District Health Unit Memorandum of Understanding

Council of the Township of Whitewater Region heard a motion to approve entering into the Memorandum of Understanding with Renfrew County and District Health...

Council Praises RC VTAC

Alexander Leach, Editor The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region heard a recommendation that the RC VTAC model be supported further. Reeve Regier said that...

Health care leaders, elected officials meet to discuss Ontario health problems

The County of Renfrew hosts roundtable seeking collaboration RENFREW COUNTY -- On Thursday, August 8 more than 25 primary health-care service leaders and elected officials...
County of Renfrew

Working toward a new needs-based, sustainable Autism program in Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke

RENFREW COUNTY (Pembroke) -- On Monday, Todd Smith, Minister of Children, Community and Social Services, announced steps the government is taking to provide continuity...