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Official Plan Amendment Prompts Public Criticism

Planner Alex Benzie presented on the amendment to adjust the settlement area of the Village of Cobden for the purposes of future growth. She said...

Cameron Street Report

The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region received a report for information purposes as it relates to an update on the rehabilitation of...

Resident criticizes Cameron Street Construction

“One thing that we can all agree on is that the Cameron Street rehabilitation project did not go according to plan.” Ralph Lance said. The...

OCWA Presentation: Water Quality of Muskrat Lake Water Plant

Dr. Yaldeh Azimi with the POTs group of OCWA presented a review of options to address water treatment challenges for the Whitewater Region treatment...

Notice of Motion: Councillor Connie Tabbert Asks Staff to Review Animal Control “Teeth”

Kennel Bylaw Review - Councillor Connie TabbertRecommendation: Whereas, Council adopted By-law Number 20-06-1308 to regulate the keeping and control of animals in the Township;...

Febrary 15 2023 Council Meeting Announcements

Mayor Nicholson said he attended 12 meetings over February, and asked the Deputy Mayor to attend one other “due to a conflict." He said he...

Council Refuses Forester’s Falls Kennel Zoning Bylaw Amendment

The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region passed a motion to reject the zoning by-law amendment to reduce the level of setback necessary...

Water/Wastewater/Capital Budget Draft 2023 – Increase in Water Rates

Deputy CAO Sean Crozier reported on the draft budget for water, wastewater, and capital investments for the Township of Whitewater Region. He said that they...

Wellhead and Sourcewater Protection Plans Geocentrics Engineering

Steve Livingstone of Geocentrics Engineering presenting wellhead protection and sourcewater protection plans for the regions of Beachburg and Haley Road. He said the two phases...
Whitewater Region Logo

Whitewater Brewery Site Plan Agreement

The Council Heard a recommendation that the Council of the Township of Whitewater Region enact a by-law to authorize the Township to enter into...