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Renfrew County health unit

2019 Novel Coronavirus

RENFREW COUNTY (Pembroke) — Canadian and provincial health agencies are working closely with public health and hospitals to keep the risk of spread of...
Renfrew County health unit

Public health modernization

RENFREW COUNTY (Pembroke) — County of Renfrew and Renfrew County and District Health Unit Board of Health met today to discuss a collaborative approach...

RVH extends CT hours

RENFREW COUNTY (Renfrew) — In an effort to improve patient care, Renfrew Victoria Hospital (RVH) will be extending the hours that Contrast CT studies...
Renfrew County health unit

Public health investigation of uninspected home-based tattoo operation reveals possibility of blood borne infection...

RENFREW COUNTY (Pembroke) — Renfrew County and District Health Unit (RCDHU) advises anyone who received a tattoo from a home-based tattoo operation located on...

Connect to care radio-telethon airs March 6

RENFREW COUNTY (Pembroke) — The Pembroke Regional Hospital Foundation is preparing for the third Connect to Care Radio-Telethon which will take place at the...

RVH welcomes new VP of corporate services as new year begins

RENFREW COUNTY (Renfrew) — Randy Penney, President and CEO of Renfrew Victoria Hospital, is pleased to announce that Alison Green has been selected as...

We couldn’t do it without you!

RENFREW COUNTY (Renfrew) — We’ve all heard the expression ‘it takes an army’ and that’s true of the RVH Foundation efforts and RVH’s ability...

RVH Grand Rounds

Renfrew County health unit

Be smart when it comes to choosing where you get a tattoo or body...

RENFREW COUNTY (Pembroke) — Tattoo or body piercing can cause infections. If you want to decrease the risk of an infection, make sure the...