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Orange Heritage Day July 4, 2015

Thanks to Connie White for her excellent report on our Orange Heritage Day: she did a fine job. Perhaps the missing "t" in British...

Donna Burn’s Letter to the Editor

Just a question why is Donna's letter from June 11, 2015 addressed to Joe K. Not found under the Letter section of the Whitewater...

Side Walk Parking

I have a question for our Council members. Why is it that in Cobden, Beachburg and Lapasse you are not allowed to park on...

Mussie competition

Your piece on the wooden Mussie reminded me of the Ice sculpture of Mussie I built many years ago for the Winter Carnival competition...


You have made a great improvement to the Whitewater News with sending, as an email, your current edition. I have been looking at the...

To Connie

This is not a letter for publication. I want to ask Connie if there is a way to print the photos off whitewaternews.ca ,especially...

2015 World Championships Freestyle Kayaking

Thank you Connie Tabbert, for covering a story on the 2015 Freestyle Kayaking Championships. I do want to share that there has been...

Cobden Legion Branch 550 Annual General Meeting Wednesday April 1, 2015 7:30 pm.

'Cobden Legion Branch 550 Annual General Meeting is Wednesday, April 1, 2015 at 7:30 pm At the meeting we will be voting in the...

Thanks, Connie

I read, with interest, the article about your 25 years in the newspaper world. Congratulations! I admire anyone who can get our there and...

Happy New Year

I wish a healthy and nice new year the team of the Whitewaternews. Continues as well as up to now - you make a...